
Rates & Services


$32 per visit for 1 – 3 pets within 5 miles/$35 outside 5 miles

$37 per visit for 4 – 6 pets within 5 miles/$40 outside 5 miles

Call for quote for 7 pets or more




$20 per hour to sit in client home

$40 Daycare

$65 per day at CLP

$120 per day in client home (Max 12 hours)

$160 per day in client home (Max 20 hours)

$50 Trips to Vet or Groomer (round trip within 10 miles)

Clear Lake Pets requires an email reservation and confirmation to secure service. Clear Lake Pets does not provide service for aggressive animals, those with a history of biting, or whose vaccinations are not current.

Clear Lake Pets DOES NOT accept job requests for every other day visits. Clear Lake Pets WILL NOT be held liable for loss, injury, or death of pets that have unfettered access outdoors. Clear Lake Pets welcomes disabled pets or those needing special care.


Clear Lake Pets DOES NOT accept job sharing (i.e. sharing pet sitting or home watch responsibilities) with client’s neighbors or friends. Exceptions will be made for immediate family members only.


In the event of injury or illness of your designated pet sitter, another Clear Lake Pets sitter will be assigned.


All payments are due prior to start of service by cash, check or ZELLE to A 5% fuel surcharge will be added to the total pet sitting bill. This charge will be waived if paying in cash. A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OF $100 is required for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years reservations which will be deducted from the total bill.


24 hour notice must be given to cancel without penalty.  During major holidays (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years) client FORFEITS ALL FUNDS if cancellation occurs less than 48 hours prior to start of service. In cases of emergency, illness, or unforeseeable circumstances, Clear Lake Pets reserves the right to extend credit for service at later date.


Due to weather related disasters, it is evident that evacuation may become necessary. Clear Lake Pets will make every effort to transport pets to safety; however, it is expressly understood that Clear Lake Pets will not be held liable for matters beyond its control.  All pets should have an emergency preparedness kit packed at all times with food, medication, collars, leashes and copies of vaccination records.


Call or text 281.731.7200 or 281.744.9152 upon client return.